Influencer marketing (also influence marketing) is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on specific key individuals (or types of individual) rather than the target market as a whole.This type of marketing concentrates on someone who has great impact on your respective market.


The influencer is the individual whose effect on the purchase decision is in some way significant or authoritative.If you with your products impress the influencer then the influencer will do his part on promoting you.People’s buying decision is greately affected by influencers.

You can’t control the rising cost of facebook/instagram ads but you can control it in influencer marketing.The conversion rate of fb ads is just 1% which is too low and if you do Influencer marketing properly you can tap into your niche market and conversion rate reaches to about 45%.

Influencer marketing


My answer to this is NO !!! Small businesses can also benefit greatly from this.
Big companies with great budgets use ‘FILM STARS’ or ‘Top Youtubers’. But if you are a small business you can use local influencers who influence local people living in your area.

An influencer can be a youtuber,instagramer,doctor,blogger,dancer,singer,etc depending on the market you are targeting.


1. Have a goal in mind

=>Before choosing the influencer you should decide the reason of getting into Influencer marketing.
Is it that you want more customer or you want to promote an event or you just want to bring your product out
Decide on the goal carefully and move to the next step

2. Choosing the right influencers.

pick the right influencer

=> The amount of impact that an influencer has on its audience does not depend on the number of followers or subscribers or Email lists he/she has but it depends on the engagement he/she has with the followers

Engagement is the amount of time the influencer uses to interact with their audience by solving their problems,asking feedbacks form audience or organising a giveaway
So before choosing an influencer you should check out its engagement rate.

The software I use to find Influencer is Upfluence. You can request a free demo at
Also Traackr ( is also very useful

3. Let the influencer do his work!!!

=> This is one of the biggest mistake businesses do while doing influencer marketing.
Audience come to the influencer to hear them not you.
In some cases businesses give scripts to the influencer on what to do. Audience nowadays are not dumb , they can sense that something is going wrong and this affects your brands and influencer in a bad way
85% of users rely more on content generated by others than those generated by brands.

4. Add value to the Influencer

Add value

=> Lets take an example : If the influencer is fitness related and if your product is lets say gym bag then let the influencer give 10 of your gym bags for free to his audience with your brand name.Now ask the person who won the bag to take a selfie with the bag and tag the influencer then its an awesome promotion for your brand!!!
In this way influencer gets his audience retention and you get your promotion.

You have to add value to the ecosystem for the ecosystem to add value to you


=>You send your product to influencer and ask them to review about it if they like it.

=>You can also ask the influencer to passively place your product in his content (Your product should be visible)

=>If in case your business is providing services then provide your services to the influencer for free and ask them to give you a shoutout

=>While working with a dance studio I used Influence marketing there. I requested 10 local dance influencers to come on to our studio and perform dance and to talk about our studio. We recorded it and posted it in our website as well as in the influencers social media.In return we gave them a shout-out on our website.This campaign was an epic success and the goal here was to bring the dance studio’s name out in public.

=>Also when I was working with a cricket gloves manufacturer we gathered appropriate influencers. We then asked the influencer to ask their audience like who goes to cricket coaching and we sent 10 gloves to 10 different person.The reason of me doing this was that when the person receives the gloves for free, he will tell his friends about this gloves and if they like it they will buy.2 week passed by and no response then 1 day we got an order of 25 pair of gloves and a review on our site.The review was of a cricket trainer and he saw these gloves in hands of his student and he along with other students liked it.There was a bulk offer going on so the trainer ordered 25 for all his students

=>Please do remember to select the proper influencer for your market.Do remember there is a little more work to do in influencer marketing than placing ads on fb/insta but its hell lot of profit there in this.Influencer Marketing might look ineffective but it has generated profits to a great amount of businesses.

Comment below your queries and ill try to solve it. E-mail me at your business information and I’ll recommend you strategies which fits best for your business.

If in any way this blog has helped you then PLEASE do SHARE it with those who might need this and HELP us grow!!!

Are you doing your Influence marketing right???
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